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The new website

I just turned on my new website this afternoon for Regent Aerial Imaging.

Great start, clean and easy to scan! Bonus points for explaining why being licensed is important. I ran across this article about drone website best practices a while back that has some tips. They might not all apply to your situation, but could be helpful as you work on your site more.

One tip from it that stands out to me. You could add a section about the geographic areas where you operate. Possibly on your Services page. Are you focused on a specific region? Do you travel around and operate in other Midwest states? You could even list the main cities in your area to help with SEO when someone searches for a term like “davenport drone mapping” or “quad cities tower inspections”.
Great start, clean and easy to scan! Bonus points for explaining why being licensed is important. I ran across this article about drone website best practices a while back that has some tips. They might not all apply to your situation, but could be helpful as you work on your site more.

One tip from it that stands out to me. You could add a section about the geographic areas where you operate. Possibly on your Services page. Are you focused on a specific region? Do you travel around and operate in other Midwest states? You could even list the main cities in your area to help with SEO when someone searches for a term like “davenport drone mapping” or “quad cities tower inspections”.

Thanks for the ideas.
Very nice, only thing I wouldn't use the word "roof inspections" because that implies an actual inspection is done. Other than that, very nice.
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I have been a graphic designer for longer than I care to admit. I like the simplicity of your abstract logo. I'm personally going the other direction with mine... if anything right now I may have excessive detail that needs to be dialed back. But that's pretty cool.
Website looks excellent. I love the simplicity and the services video. well done.

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