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Latest missions in Fire Service.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
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Flew extracation training for two departments this past week.

Flew active fire in strip center this past week.

As I expand my presence on the fire fields, command is now in BELIEF of the capabilities and deliverables from the sUAS.

I have the directive through SOGs to respond to all calls at my discretion. In the recent strip center fire I provided rooftop overwatch for smoke investigation, active burn thru, and structural observation. Two engine companies present and my launch point being in close proximity allowed command to view active situation over my shoulder. In radio comms, I was able to direct firefighters directly to areas of concern, once they gained access to rooftop. Fire was extinguished quickly and damage limited to a single business.

They are beginning to understand the value of post assessment from the aerial perspective. Even the ‘non-believer’ officers are now coming over to discuss capabilities. Budget time now, we’ll see. We’re getting there!
As fire departments begin to realize the value in drones I believe you will see their own people being trained and the jobs will go in-house. If you look at Avions web site you will see a picture where they are training several law enforcement people.
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I do know the NYC Fire Department has their own in-house drone operator (using a tethered sUAV) who gets dispatched for fire control coordination at the scene of any two alarms. Already in service.
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As fire departments begin to realize the value in drones I believe you will see their own people being trained and the jobs will go in-house. If you look at Avions web site you will see a picture where they are training several law enforcement people.
BINGO! One of my biggest contracts comes from training Public Safety depts across the southeastern US how to safely, legally, and efficiently how to operate sUAS. They are going In-House across the board and for good reason.
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You are right BigA, the only ones that aren't are the little under budgeted departments like we have where I live.
I guess I’m considered an IN-HOUSE pilot. But I came back into fire service for this purpose. Although I do other things too. In my opinion, taking a trained firefighter out of service to fly a sUAS is nuts. Having a backup operator is good, but I feel the chief pilot should be dedicated for that purpose. Just my .02.
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