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Adobe After Effects : Outlining Buildings

Levitated Media

Active Member
Jan 16, 2018
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Working on a project and I am in need of some help, I am shooting 31.85 acres and would like to outline the property and animate said line during the video. I believe this has to be done utilizing After Effects however, I cannot for some reason locate a tutorial video that shows me how to do it. Any advice or pointing in the right direction would be incredibly helpful.

Below is a link to a video I am using as reference... how the company outlines the building and such is what I'm trying to do.

I don't know how you haven't found it. There are many videos in YT that explain how to do it. Here you have an example of the many you can choose from, it can be done in several ways.

This is the first one I have found, I see them in another language but the basis is the same. Good luck

Below is a link to a video I am using as reference... how the company outlines the building and such is what I'm trying to do.

This is just my 2 cents but that video is using it outlining WAY too much. It reminds me of when someone learns a new trick (as in editing) and it's all they can think about for a couple of projects. Either outline those doors faster, outline them in bulk or don't outline them. YMMV though :)
The truth is, I looked over it. As a basis to look for others that will help him to do what he wants. After Effects it's hard to learn to use well because you can do the same in many ways. Driving it right is a challenge, not my case :rolleyes:.
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In order to keep the animated aspects in the correct place, you need to use after effects to track the camera (Effect>Perspective>3D Camera Tracker) This will then give you the tracking data to apply to the outline you add. For the animated outlines, the easiest way would be to create the rectangles around the doors, apply the camera tracked data to it, then use Trim Paths to animate the line.

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